From the fullness of his grace we have all received
one blessing after another. John 1:16
As hard as it can be to give away things that we value, the concept of giving is straight forward and
easy to understand, much easier than receiving. Receiving a blessing is hard to
do. The humility it takes to truly
receive is, well... hard and humbling. Sometimes we think we are receiving when
we are actually exchanging. We receive a
pay check. We receive someone's hand in marriage. We receive an award. But in
each case, we have done or acquired something in exchange. We hate 'owing' someone so instead of
actually receiving, we exchange. In a book about a sailboat race that went very
bad due to a severe storm, the author commented about how many sailors call out
to God in perilous times, making all kinds of promises of what they will do if
God spares them. Is this receiving or
exchanging? God has blessed us with so much which we hardly notice and simply take
for granted. How about that breath you just took. Or the sun that rose this
morning. Or the Kingdom of God? What can you do or give to pay those back?
What are the
things you received from God when you became a follower of Christ?
What are the
things you have received from God today?
What is the
appropriate response when you think of these things?
Rejoice, sing,
praise, laugh, dance, give thanks to God that out of the fullness of His grace
you have received one blessing after another and that there is nothing that you can do or give in exchange for His goodness!