Sunday, February 19, 2012

Proclaim - III

Abundant Life

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10:10 NASB)

This verse helps us understand why our microfinance partners face great challenges in their efforts to empower the materially poor. The thief is working every day to bring new levels of degradation and pain into our world.  High rates of HIV infection, threats of civil war, sex industries that exploit the helpless, conscription of child soldiers, brutal persecution of Christians, and corrupt political systems are some of the tactics Satan uses to steal, kill and destroy.  But Jesus came to give us “abundant life,” also translated, “a great full life” or “a rich satisfying life.”  We know from the example of Jesus and the disciples that this does not mean an easy, carefree life with great material wealth, security and comfort. Jesus wants us to live in complete obedience and submission to him, experience His incredible joy and peace in the midst of life's challenges and trials. He also wants us to work to make sure that others can do the same. The suffering of people around the globe should break our hearts and mobilize us to action. We can proclaim His kingdom by helping as many people as possible to experience this joyous, satisfying, obedient, full life here on earth and eternal life with Him in heaven.

Are you experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised?  Do you have peace, joy and hope in spite of the challenges of life? Can others see it? What impact are you making to help hurting people experience abundant life?

In the book Restoring At-Risk Communities John Perkins writes:
“Living the gospel means desiring for your neighbor and your neighbor’s family that which you desire for yourself and your family.  Living the gospel means bettering the quality of other people’s lives – spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally – as you better your own. Living the gospel means sharing in the suffering and pain of others.” (p.21)
Make a list of the things you desire for yourself and for your family. Pray that God will make His desires to be your desires. Make adjustments to your list if necessary.  Pray that God will accomplish these things in the lives of someone facing even greater challenges than you. Look for ways to be a part of the answer to your prayer.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Proclaim - II

On Earth as it is in Heaven

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

When God’s word becomes too familiar, we can easily gloss over crucially important instructions. Jesus taught, “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matt.6:9-13)

Stop and think about the meaning of praying that God's kingdom would come and that His will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. It's great to think and talk about God's kingdom coming to earth sometime in the future. But, notice that everything else in this prayer is related to very practical daily life. It seems that Jesus meant God's kingdom should be experienced on earth now.  He also said things like, “The kingdom of God is in your midst” (Luke 17:21). Jesus was asking God to move so mightily in us so that we would do His will on earth right now as humble, devoted subjects living by his principles so that our world can see and experience His kingdom.

Who are the people around you who are not experiencing God’s kingdom? How can you help them experience God's kingdom by your daily choices and actions? What adjustments can you make to become more effective in exposing others to God's kingdom?

Take a look at Acts 2:42-47. These believers were experiencing Matthew 6:10. Ask someone how they see God's kingdom reflected in your life and how it might better be reflected. Ask God to show you how to be a better citizen of His kingdom daily.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Proclaim - I

Usher in the Kingdom

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).

Jesus came to proclaim good news, which included salvation but went beyond that. To proclaim the good news meant making a dramatic difference in the lives of people, not only spiritually, but socially and economically. He reminded His listeners that the good news was to be proclaimed to the poor, the brokenhearted, the prisoners, the blind, and the oppressed. Jesus prayed, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt.6:10).   He is calling us to join Him in ushering in the kingdom.  The kingdom begins when you become totally surrendered to Jesus Christ. Then you work to transform this world into the kind of place God wants it to be.

How would you describe what God’s kingdom on earth should look like? What issues should we be addressing as we proclaim the good news in our day?

Tony Campolo is a Professor, Sociologist and Pastor. Listen to this very challenging and inspiring message online called The Kingdom of God is a Party.  Pray about what God is calling you to do.