Saturday, March 31, 2012

Remain - III

A Wonderful Discovery

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
Following Jesus should be exciting, joyful and full of adventure, but an incredible number of Christians feel lonely, bored and without clear direction. Why is that?  It could be because many hold to the philosophy, “I’ll do my best and let God do the rest.”  That idea is totally opposite of Jesus’ plan for us to remain or abide in Him.  Any attempt to “do my best” apart from God is weak and fruitless.   God’s plan is for every day of our lives to be an exciting adventure of being filled with the Holy Spirit and living constantly, moment by moment under His direction.

There is a fantastic teaching by Campus Crusade called Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit-filled life?  You can find it here.  If you make this wonderful discovery, it will change your life into something better than you could ever imagine.

Carefully, slowly, study this teaching this week.  It is divided into eight sections.  Go through one section each day for the next eight days.  Find someone to discuss it with.  Don’t stop praying through this until you see evidence of this wonderful discovery in your life.

In what specific ways are you like the natural? spiritual? and carnal person?
How can you tell when you are working in your own power vs. being directed and empowered with the Holy Spirit?

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