Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Give - I

What to do with God’s stuff?

“In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” Luke 14:33

This is one of Jesus' most shocking statements. It is also a teaching that is rarely preached on. If you've never given much thought to this command or you're confused by what Jesus meant, try to read The Invitation-the Not So Simple Truth about Following Jesus by Greg Sidders.  In this book, he makes Jesus’ clear statement even more clear for those who truly desire to obey.  He writes, 

So we have to be willing to give up our possessions if Jesus tells us to? No, we have to actually do it, because he already told us to; “Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.”  The word “willing” is not there, not even in the Greek. (p.74-75)

Does giving up mean giving away? Do we have to actually become penniless and possessionless in order to follow Jesus? . . .Your money and possessions are now “someone else’s property” (Luke 16:12). Whose? His. You gave it all to him when you became a Christian. And what did he do with it? He handed it back to you – not to spend on yourself, but to invest for him. You no longer have the right to do with it whatever you please; you have the responsibility to do with it whatever pleases him. Your job is to ask yourself, “What would Jesus do with all this stuff:” and then do it. . . That means so much more than holding everything with a loose grip. It means leveraging money and possessions to expand the kingdom of God.

Why do you think so few people take this command of Christ seriously?
Which of your possessions are you reluctant to relinquish? Why?
When it comes to the money and possessions that Jesus has handed back to you, what is He asking you to do differently?

Get the book The Invitation by Greg Sidders and prayerfully read through chapter 7 and/or click here to listen to a radio interview in which he discusses this verse and many other challenging teachings in his book. 

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